One of my favourite areas of graphic design is logos and branding. Here are a few examples of some I’ve produced over the years. Unfortunately, a couple of them don’t seem to have gone any further than the logo but where available, clicking the image will take you to their website. You can also hover your mouse over several of the logos for brief project descriptions…



Spacer ArtistAndManagerAwards_VividCeriseCarrackUK_Logo_RGB2kujaliVITAL_Amended MMF Logo_RGB HenleySevens_Logo_RGB KoalaFightMedia_Logo_RGB Becken_Logo_RGBSpacer

Posted by [email protected] on 2 March 2015

In addition to my album sleeve and book designs, over the years I have worked on a huge range of what could be described as ‘corporate’ projects, a small selection are shown here. Again, please hover over the images for a brief project description.


Posted by [email protected] on 12 January 2015